Asbestos licensed contractors

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Adhering to Safety Guidelines for High-Risk Asbestos Activities

When managing high-risk activities involving asbestos, strict adherence to special guidelines is essential for safety and legal compliance.

Mandatory Licensing for High-Risk Asbestos Work

The HSE requires that high-risk asbestos work be conducted exclusively by licensed contractors due to the significant health risks involved.

Worker Guidelines

If you're not a licensed contractor, your employer must not direct you to perform high-risk asbestos tasks.

Examples of High-Risk Asbestos Tasks

High-risk tasks involving asbestos include:

  • Asbestos Loose Fill Insulation: Highly hazardous due to its tendency to easily release fibres.
  • Asbestos Sprayed Coating ('Limpet'): Used for fireproofing and insulation, posing a risk when disturbed.
  • Pre-formed Insulation: Such as asbestos pipe lagging, requiring specialised handling.
  • Repair or Removal of Asbestos Insulation: Including tasks like removing pipe lagging.
  • Work on Asbestos Insulating Boards: Involving activities like taking down asbestos-containing walls and linings.
  • Handling Large Amounts of Asbestos Debris: Often occurring post-incidents such as fires or floods.

Erring on the Side of Caution

Always prioritise safety with asbestos. Halt work if there's uncertainty about the need for a licensed contractor, and proceed only with clear guidance or a licensed contractor in place.


For high-risk asbestos-related activities, safety and compliance with HSE guidelines and licensing requirements are non-negotiable to protect health and ensure legal adherence.