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Asbestos Training Requirements Under Control of Asbestos Regulations
This section details the training requirements for handling asbestos as mandated by the Control of Asbestos Regulations.
Training and Exposure Levels
Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations, it is mandatory to receive appropriate training when dealing with asbestos. The level of training required is directly proportional to the potential level of exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos Awareness Course
The asbestos awareness course is a fundamental training program for many professionals. This course provides comprehensive knowledge about:
- Understanding what asbestos is.
- Identifying where asbestos can be found.
- Recognising the different types of asbestos.
Annual Renewal of Training
It is highly recommended that individuals involved in asbestos-related work renew their training annually. This ensures that they stay updated with the latest safety practices and regulatory guidelines.